Source: ray/range.js

 * Set ray's range.
 * @method Raycaster.Ray#setRayRange
 * @memberof Raycaster.Ray
 * @instance
 * @since 0.6.0
 * @param {number} [rayRange = Phaser.Math.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER] - Ray's range.
 * @return {Raycaster.Ray} {@link Raycaster.Ray Raycaster.Ray} instance
export function setRayRange(rayRange = Phaser.Math.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
    this.rayRange = rayRange;
    Phaser.Geom.Line.SetToAngle(this._ray, this.origin.x, this.origin.y, this.angle, this.rayRange);
    return this;

 * Set ray's maximum detection range. Objects outside detection range won't be tested.
 * Ray tests all objects when set to 0.
 * @method Raycaster.Ray#setDetectionRange
 * @memberof Raycaster.Ray
 * @instance
 * @since 0.6.0
 * @param {number} [detectionRange = 0] - Maximum distance between ray's position and tested objects bounding boxes.
 * @return {Raycaster.Ray} {@link Raycaster.Ray Raycaster.Ray} instance
export function setDetectionRange(detectionRange = 0) {
    this.detectionRange = detectionRange;
    this.detectionRangeCircle.setTo(this.origin.x, this.origin.y,this.detectionRange);

    return this;

 * Set ray's field of view maximum collision range. Objects outside collision range won't be tested by {@link Raycaster.Ray#overlap Raycaster.Ray.overlap} method.
 * Determines ray's physics body radius.
 * @method Raycaster.Ray#setCollisionRange
 * @memberof Raycaster.Ray
 * @instance
 * @since 0.8.0
 * @param {number} [collisionRange = Phaser.Math.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER] - Ray's collision range and physics body radius.
 * @return {Raycaster.Ray} {@link Raycaster.Ray Raycaster.Ray} instance
export function setCollisionRange(collisionRange = Phaser.Math.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
    let oldRangeMax = this.collisionRange == Phaser.Math.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
    this.collisionRange = collisionRange;

    if(this.bodyType === 'matter') {
        if(this.collisionRange == Phaser.Math.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
            let bounds = this._raycaster.boundingBox;

            this._raycaster.scene.matter.body.set(this.body, {
                shape: {
                    type: 'rectangle',
                    x: bounds.rectangle.centerX,
                    y: bounds.rectangle.centerY,
                    width: bounds.rectangle.width,
                    height: bounds.rectangle.height,
        else if(oldRangeMax) {
            this._raycaster.scene.matter.body.set(this.body, {
                shape: {
                    type: 'circle',
                    x: this.collisionCircle.x,
                    y: this.collisionCircle.y
                circleRadius: this.collisionRange,
                isStatic: false
        else {
        this._raycaster.scene.matter.body.set(this.body, 'circleRadius', this.collisionRange)
    else if(this.bodyType === 'arcade') {

    return this;

 * Test if object's bounding box is in ray's detection range.
 * @method Raycaster.Ray#boundsInRange
 * @memberof Raycaster.Ray
 * @instance
 * @since 0.6.0
 * @param {object} object - Tested object
 * @param {(Phaser.Geom.Rectangle|boolean)} [bounds = false] - Tested object's bounds. If not passed bounds will be generated automatically.
 * @return {boolean} Information if object is in ray's detection range.
export function boundsInRange(object, bounds = false) {
        return true;

    let objectBounds;
        objectBounds = bounds;
    else {
        if(object.type === 'body' || object.type === 'composite')
            objectBounds = object.raycasterMap.getBoundingBox();
            objectBounds ='raycasterMap').getBoundingBox();

    if(Phaser.Geom.Intersects.CircleToRectangle(this.detectionRangeCircle, objectBounds))
        return true;

    return false;